Strength exercises - program H
Strength exercises - program J
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M1
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M2
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M3
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M4
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Strengthening exercises with the mini-band - program M5
Full body workout (material: mini-band)
Training chest muscles: 1 round - 3 series - body weight

"chest-workout" without equipment (total 180 push-ups)
Training Ganzkörper: EMOM 15min - body weight

15 minütiges „full body workout“ ohne Material.
Training lower body: 1 round - body weigth

"lower body workout" without material for time