This is MilSport

Four hours of sport per week are planned in the military schools. The MilSport internet platform supports the cadres in planning and carrying out these sports lessons. A comprehensive database with exercises and sample lessons as well as the necessary posters and documentation is available.

Learn more


Regulations 51.041 sport in the military are available in the Learning Management System (LMS):

51.041 d Sport in der Armee (German) 51.041 f Sport dans l’armée (French) 51.041 i Sport nell’esercito (Italian)

Further documents relating to sports instruction in the military can be found in the following chapters:

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Workout of the week

3. February 2025

No time, idea or desire to prepare a workout? No problem, here is a possible workout to get you started right away!

The program can be defined according to your personal performance level.

Current: calendar week 6/7

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Challenge of the month

1. February 2025

For one month, a sport or a specific workout is performed daily in order to achieve a sporting goal. Join in and take up the challenge!

The level of difficulty can be adjusted for the task.

Current: month of february

Nice to know

The spirit of FIRE

The athletic performance of the troops is an important prerequisite for the basic and operational readiness of the military. True to the motto: the soldiers' physical fitness is the capital of the military.

It is therefore important to develop and monitor the sporting awareness of members of the armed forces in schools, training courses and courses by conveying meaning, prevention, motivation, instruction and supervision.

Through sports training, the army aims to train, promote and maintain the necessary physical skills for military operations in a function-related manner. The aim is to promote physical performance and physical well-being through high-quality instruction, taking into account the findings of sports science.


We abide by the rules, support decisions and uphold the values of the Sport Ethics Charter.


We promote civil-military cooperation and uphold military values.


We put people at the center and act honestly, transparently and loyally.


We deliver top performance and inspire others through our example and motivation.

Competence Center Sport of the military

The competence Center Sport of the military is the doctrinal unit for sport throughout the military and deals with these areas:

Sports instruction

  • Sports training in schools and courses

  • Military sports courses

  • Military sports leader education

  • Sports examinations

  • Events / occasions / competitions

Learn more


  • Military competitions at home and abroad

  • Promoting peace among nations through sporting competition

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Promotion of top level sport

  • Top level sport recruit school

  • Top level sport refresher courses

  • Employment as a temporary military top level sport athlete

  • Qualified athlete

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Sports projects

  • Specification for sports education

  • Ready App

  • Sportify

  • Fit on Duty

  • Self-test app

  • Public relations and much more

Learn more (Ready App - German)