
Parkour is a form of locomotion that aims to get from A to B as efficiently as possible using only the abilities of one's own body. The parkour runner (French le traceur - the one who draws a line) overcomes obstacles in the way by combining different movements, with the focus on flow and control of movement. Because parkour can be practised outdoors without special equipment and in the everyday environment of the participants, the sport is ideal for sports lessons. As long as safety is guaranteed, parkour knows no right or wrong, which allows participants to think creatively. In order to overcome obstacles efficiently, participants have to assess their own abilities and put them in relation to the object to be overcome. This in turn sharpens self-awareness and confidence in assessing one's own abilities. Parkour can also be moved to the sports hall, where equipment serves as obstacles.

Below are some impressions of what parkour can look like in the field or indoors:

Parkour Parkour Parkour Parkour Parkour Parkour

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