Fighting and roughhousing games

Fighting and fairness can be combined, they enrich our sports culture and promote mutual acceptance. Fair fighting and brawling is fun and allows participants to fulfil their urge to move in a variety of ways. The focus is less on martial arts-specific techniques and more on the playful approach to fighting and wrestling. The rules are introduced gradually. The most important ones immediately and then more if necessary. In this way, the learning progress of the participants and the transfer to martial arts become comprehensible

By experiencing and processing success and failure, the practitioners' frustration tolerance is increased, and self-control can be improved by familiarising themselves with and adhering to the relevant rules and rituals. Last but not least, duels/group fights are used to improve stamina and coordination. Decency and respect for partners are the basic values of successful fighting and roughhousing games. Clear rules, even for the smallest games, and the shared responsibility of the participants to comply with them are crucial for success.

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