Slalom with basketball

Coordination exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Basketball), Markierkegel/-hütchen

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Bounce a basketball in a slalom around the marking cones, starting on the right and then on the left - on the right side you bounce with your right hand, on the left side with your left hand. When you reach the last cone, you finish with a basket shot (be careful: correct "jam-ta-tam" rhythm). Coming from the right side, you throw with your right hand - coming from the left side, you throw with your left hand.

►Differentiation ability, rhythmisation ability


1 basketball hoop
4-8 marker cones
2 basketballs

Post set-up:
Set up a slalom with the marker cones (cones offset sideways). The last cone is between the basket and the free-throw line
