
Coordination exercises
Auxiliary means
Reifen, Seil/Tau, Sprossenwand, Hürden

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The participant climbs over the wall bars without touching the forbidden zone (marked with ropes). The participants then jump over the tyres distributed on the floor. If two tyres are at the same height, both legs are stalled. Individual hoops are passed with the leg corresponding to the respective side. The hoops can be jumped through forwards or backwards. To make hoop jumping more difficult, the respective arm on the same or even opposite side can be raised or stretched to the side at the same time as standing. Jumping over the hurdles, the participant returns to the wall bars.

► Rhythmisation ability, orientation ability, balance ability


1 wall bars
3-5 ropes
4-5 hurdles
20-30 tyres

Post set-up:
Arrange the following posts to form a circuit: Use ropes to mark a forbidden zone on the wall bars; lay out tyres to form a jumping course; place hurdles one behind the other
