Slalom with finish

Coordination exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Futsal/Fussball)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The participant guides a futsal/football in a slalom around the marking cones, sometimes starting on the right, sometimes on the left. At the height of the last cone, the participants shoot at the goal and try to hit the various zones in the goal, which are divided by ropes. Make sure to dribble and shoot with both the stronger and weaker foot.

► Differentiation skills, orientation skills


1 (handball) goal
6 ropes
4-8 marking cones/caps/painting sticks
1 futsal/football

Post set-up:
Set up a slalom towards the (handball) goal using marking cones. The last marker is approx. 7 metres in front of the goal. Divide the goal into several zones with ropes.
