Jump to the slope III

Auxiliary means
Barren, Schwedenkasten, Springseil, Sprossenwand, Weichmatte (gross), Weichmatte (klein)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Hang on the wall bars with your back to the vaulting box, jump with a 180 degree turn to the slope on the vaulting box. To cushion the impact, first hit your feet on the soft mat, then support yourself with your hands on the vaulting box and climb up onto it.


1 wall bars
1 vaulting box
1 parallel bars
1 soft mat (medium)
1 soft mat (small)
6 skipping ropes

Post set-up:
Tie a set-up medium soft mat to the wall bars with skipping ropes, place a vaulting box (6-7 elements incl. top) approx. 150cm away and attach (e.g. using skipping ropes to a parallel bar). 150cm away, place a vaulting box (6-7 elements incl. top section) and attach it (e.g. to a parallel bar using skipping ropes), attach a small soft mat to the front of the vaulting box using skipping ropes.
