Army fitness test (FTA) - long
Time ratios (90 min.) correspond to a group size of approx. 30 participants.
Of course, each participant will be tested individually.
The army fitness test (FTA) assesses the physical fitness of male and female conscripts/army personnel (gender-specific value tables). However, the athletic performance test can also be carried out for other athletes to determine their level of fitness.
Procedure of the test
First, the starting numbers are distributed and the participants are informed about the procedure of the FTA. The stations in the hall and the final endurance test in the hall or in the field take place after the run-in. Participants must wear their sports shoes and race number throughout the test (with the exception of the measurement of anthropometric parameters). Exercising is not permitted during the waiting times between the individual stations.
A (guided) warm-up is carried out before the test. The warm-up lasts 10 to 15 minutes, of which approx. 10 minutes are set aside for stimulating the cardiovascular system and approx. 5 minutes for mobilising the joints/purpose gymnastics.
Station operation:
The participants first complete stations 1-3 alternately. Afterwards, half of the participants switch to the global trunk strength test and the other half to the anthropometric parameters. As soon as both subgroups have taken their measurements, the stations are swapped. The last station is the endurance test. The sports director and his assistants prepare the evaluation.
Station 1: Medicine ball kick
Station 2: Standing long jump
Station 3: One-legged stand
Station 4a: Global trunk strength test
Station 4b: Anthropometric parameters
Station 5: Progressive endurance run (indoor or outdoor)
Execution rules
Station 1: Medicine ball kick
A long bench is placed against a wall. The height of the long bench at rest is 37 to 38 cm, the seat height in the centre of the loaded long bench is 35 to 36 cm. A measuring tape 10 metres long is attached to the floor perpendicular to the wall with adhesive tape. The zero point of the measuring tape is on the wall.
The participant sits on the long bench so that their buttocks and back touch the wall. A foam/soft tennis ball is placed between the shoulder blades and pressed against the wall. The medicine ball (2 kg, Ø 28 cm) is held with both hands in front of the chest and kicked from there. The medicine ball kick is invalid if the buttocks leave the bench, the back leaves the wall (check whether the foam/soft tennis ball moves/falls down) or the ball is not kicked with both hands.
Tip: the participants should press themselves against the wall with the strength of their legs to keep their back against the wall when kicking the ball. The ball must be held firmly and kicked at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Before the ball kick, the participant should build up tension in the upper body, with the final kick being performed as explosively as possible.
Three, the best attempt is scored, but at least one valid attempt must be achieved.
All three attempts are either performed immediately one after the other without interruption or all participants complete the first, then the second and finally the third attempt one after the other (pauses between the kicks can influence the results, but different scoring is not used as the difference is negligible).
The distance is measured to the nearest centimetre (round results mathematically), from the wall to the landing point of the ball (centre of the ball).
The test leader is located next to the expected landing area of the ball. He/she checks the correct execution of the ball kick, paying particular attention to ensuring that the buttocks do not leave the long bench, the back does not leave the wall (displacement of the foam/soft tennis ball) and that the ball is kicked with both arms simultaneously. The landing point of the ball (centre of the ball) is immediately marked with an indicator stick to record the distance of the shot. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
Station 2: Standing long jump
A jump line is marked on the hall floor and a 3.5 m long measuring tape is attached to the floor perpendicular to it with adhesive tape. The zero point of the measuring tape is at the front edge of the jump line (edge facing the jumper). Next to the measuring tape, the landing area is laid out with three mats on one side (from 0.5 m due to the risk of tripping during the jump). So that there is no gap between the mats in the anticipated landing area, the first mat is placed with the width of the mat facing the measuring tape, and the other two mats are placed lengthways. The rearmost mat is placed flush with a wall to prevent the mats attached to each other from slipping away.
The participant must jump from a standing position with both legs at the same time. Rocking is allowed, jumping forward is not. Both feet are in front of the jump line and must touch the ground until the jump. Over-jumping attempts are invalid. The participant must jump onto the mat track (scoring table corresponds to this variant). Jumping next to the mat track is also prohibited due to injury-related aspects. The landing position does not have to be maintained, but the participant must step forwards after the jump.
Tip: Before the jump, participants should bend their knees slightly, achieve a good pre-tension, take a slight forward lean and then jump off powerfully. Leading the arms forwards (swinging movement) supports the jump. The legs are pulled in during the jump and placed as far forward as possible on landing without the participant losing their balance and falling backwards.
Three, the best attempt is scored, but at least one valid attempt must be achieved.
All three attempts are either made immediately one after the other without interruption or all participants complete the first, then the second and finally the third attempt one after the other (pauses between the jumps can influence the results, but different scoring is not used as the difference is negligible).
The distance is measured to the nearest centimetre (round results mathematically), from the front edge of the take-off line to the rearmost point of contact of the body on the mat (usually the heel).
The test leader is located next to the expected landing area. He checks the correct execution of the jump, paying particular attention to ensuring that there is no bouncing or stepping over the jump line. After landing, the landing point is immediately marked with an indicator stick to record the jump distance. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later evaluated electronically.
Station 3: One-legged stand
A (gymnastics) tyre with a diameter of 70 cm is placed on flat ground.
Variant: A music system including a CD on which a count can be heard is also required.
The participant places the left foot in the centre of the tyre. The right foot is held against the back of the knee of the supporting leg (left leg). The upper body is upright, the supporting leg is extended. The hands are held together behind the back. The competitor assumes this position at the start signal "Ready, start", whereupon the timing begins. After 10 seconds the command "Close your eyes" is given, after a further 10 seconds the next command "Head back with eyes closed" is given. In response to the test leader's commands, the participants carry out the corresponding commands. After 60 seconds, the measurement is cancelled and the maximum time is scored. The right leg is then tested.
The time is stopped as soon as the standing foot leaves the ground (only slight shifts with constant contact with the ground are permitted, jumping is not permitted); the standing foot touches the tyre; the bent foot no longer touches the back of the knee; the hands are no longer held together; the commands are no longer followed (the eyes are opened or the head leaves the neck).
One attempt per side (leg).
The two attempts are performed immediately one after the other without interruption.
The final result is the sum of the results of the left and right standing leg.
The time is measured to the nearest 0.1 seconds (round results mathematically).
Variant: The time is measured to the nearest second (results according to the count on the CD).
The test leader explicitly points out all cancellation criteria in advance. At this station, special care must be taken to ensure that the participants do not practise. During the test, the test leader ensures calm and concentration and gives the appropriate commands ("close eyes" after 10 seconds, "head with eyes closed in the neck" after 20 seconds). The test leader is constantly on the move to monitor the criteria. For example, the extension of the standing leg can be checked at some distance from the participant. However, to check whether the eyes are closed, the distance between the test leader and participant needs to be reduced from time to time and a new angle of vision is required. As soon as a participant no longer fulfils the execution requirements, the test leader records the time. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
Ideally, a test administrator stops the time of a participant. If there is not enough time, one test leader can time two participants at the same time (2 stopwatches).
Variant: In exceptional cases, the test can be carried out in small groups if there are large numbers of participants. In this case, a CD is used for timing, on which a count can be heard every second. The participants start the one-leg stand at the same time. As soon as a participant no longer fulfils the execution requirements, the test leader records the time. In this variant, it is more difficult for the test leader to check the execution rules (use a helper).
Station 4a: Global trunk strength test
A fitness mat can optionally be placed on a flat floor for the participants. A trunk strength tester (RKT) is attached to the centre of a vaulting box to check the position in the forearm support. A music system including a CD with a count is required for the test procedure.
Position in the forearm support: The outstretched legs and upper body form a line. The legs are supported on the tips of the toes and the upper body on the forearms. The forearms lie flat on the floor parallel to each other. The hands must not touch/be closed. The upper arms are vertical (90 degree angle at the elbow joint).
The feet are lifted alternately 2 to 5 cm off the floor in a one-second rhythm. If the rhythm cannot be maintained due to a lack of sense of rhythm, the test leader corrects the participant. As the rhythm only has a minor influence on the performance, the test can also be assessed if the leg movement is arrhythmic.
The time is stopped as soon as the position in the forearm support can no longer be maintained and the participant returns to the prone position; the knees are put down; the head is supported on the arms. The participant is admonished, but the time is not stopped as soon as the hands touch/close.
The participant is in the prone position (on the fitness mat) between the centre section of the vaulting box and assumes the position in the forearm support under the instruction of the test leader. The test leader checks the position of the RKT so that it is positioned on the small of the back (directly above the buttocks). If the switch on the RKT is pressed upwards, the diode lights up. If necessary, a small soft mat can be used for smaller participants so that they can also assume the correct position. As soon as the participant has positioned themselves correctly in relation to the RKT, they return to the prone position. At the start signal, the competitor assumes the forearm support position again, whereupon the timing starts. In the event of an abort, the competitor does not have to remain lying between the centre section of the vault box, but can return to the waiting area. If no cancellation criterion occurs, the participants can cancel the measurement after 300 seconds, as the maximum time is counted from this point onwards (CD runs up to a maximum of 400 seconds).
One. It is not permitted to continue the test after a cancellation criterion (a pause) has been reached.
The time is measured to the nearest second (result according to the count on the CD).
The test leader explicitly points out the cancellation criteria in advance. During the test, the test leader checks the execution regulations, paying particular attention to the fact that the hands do not touch, the head is not supported, the feet are lifted alternately and contact with the measuring device is maintained. If the participant is unable to maintain the rhythm when lifting their legs every second, the test leader will point this out to them. However, this is not a criterion for cancelling the test. The participant's contact with the measuring device can be checked using the light on the timer. If contact is lost, the test leader is responsible for ensuring that contact is re-established immediately. This applies until one of the cancellation criteria is met. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
A CD is used for the time measurement, on which a count can be heard every second. The test is carried out in small groups. The test leader checks the positions of the participants beforehand to ensure that they are correctly positioned under the RKT. Once all the settings have been made, the participants start the global trunk strength test at the same time. As soon as a participant no longer fulfils the execution requirements, the test leader records the time.
Station 4b: Anthropometric parameters
Height: A stadiometer is provided to measure height or a measuring tape is attached to a wall with adhesive tape.
Weight: A calibrated scale is required to determine weight (including spare batteries). It is important to ensure that the scales are placed on a firm surface (the hall floor can distort the result). Once the scale has been calibrated, it will not be moved again.
Waist circumference: The waist circumference is recorded with a measuring tape.
All measurements are taken without shoes and only in a T-shirt and gym shorts.
Size: The participant stands upright under the stadiometer/on the wall in front of the measuring tape. Feet touching, looking straight ahead (head upright).
Weight: The participant stands on the scales and remains still until the scales display shows a stable number.
Waist circumference: The participant stands upright and relaxed in front of the test leader, feet positioned hip-width apart, arms hanging loosely beside the body. The measurement is taken while exhaling (no abdominal contraction).
Height: The height is measured to the nearest centimetre (mathematically rounding the result), from the floor to the top of the head.
Weight: The weight is measured to the nearest 0.1 kg (mathematically rounding the result).
Waist circumference: The circumference is measured to the nearest centimetre (mathematically rounding the result). The waist circumference is measured in the centre between the lower edge of the ribs and the iliac crest (usually the thinnest part of the upper body, approx. 1-2 cm above the navel).
Calculations: WHtR (waist to height index) = waist circumference [cm] / height [cm] BMI (body mass index) = body weight [kg] / height2 [m2].
Height: The test leader ensures that the participant is in the correct position and positions the height slider of the stadiometer or places a flat surface on the participant's head at right angles to the wall in order to read the height on the measuring tape.
Weight: The test leader ensures that the participant stands on the scales until they have finally defined the weight.
Waist circumference: The waist circumference is measured with a measuring tape that is placed horizontally (parallel to the floor) on the participant's body without cutting into it. The test leader takes the measurement while the participant exhales.
The anthropometric parameters are recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
Station 5a: Progressive endurance run (circuit)
If conditions permit, the progressive endurance run is carried out on an outdoor facility (see section 1.2.3 Endurance test). A flat and clear circular track with a length of at least 200 metres is required for the run. The ground must be firm (a finned track is not suitable as the additional load caused by the soft ground distorts the evaluation). A marker (pig cone/cap) is placed on the inside of the track every 10 metres. If signalling lamps are available, these are placed on the markings (pig cones). If no optical signalling system is available, the progressive endurance run is conducted with an acoustic signal. This requires a music system including a CD on which a signal tone can be heard. The music system must be set up so that the signal tone can be heard clearly along the entire circuit.
Each participant starts at a marker. In exceptional cases (lack of time), two competitors may line up at each marker. At the start signal, the participant starts running anti-clockwise. During the progressive endurance run, the competitors must reach the next marker at each visual/audible signal. If the participant is travelling too fast, they must wait at the next marker until the signal. The test ends as soon as the participant can no longer keep up with the set pace and passes the next marker too late without being able to catch up. If the participant drops out, he/she goes to the outside lane and ensures that his/her running time has been recorded (report to the test leader responsible for the respective sector).
The running time is measured to the nearest second (round the result mathematically).
The progressive endurance run starts at 8.5 km/h. The running speed increases every 200 metres. The running speed increases by 0.5 km/h every 200 m.
If the participants are lined up in the order of the start numbers, the control is simplified, as a mistake in the form of running ahead/overtaking or falling behind the participants is better recognised if the participants do not adhere to the execution regulations. Before the test, the visual or acoustic signal is shown or played to the participants. At the start signal, all test leaders start their stopwatch. During the progressive endurance run, the test leaders check that the participants keep to the pace and always pass a marker at the signal. Participants running ahead/overtaking are instructed to reduce their running speed until the running rhythm matches the signal tone again or to wait briefly at the marker until the signal appears or sounds. The test leaders look towards the direction in which the participants are running and note the running time of the participants who stop the test between themselves and the previous test leader (sector allocation). If a participant does not stop the test independently, even though he/she is obviously no longer able to keep up the pace, the test leader takes him/her out of the run and records the time. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
Recommendation for sector allocation: the 4 test leaders are allocated to the "corners" of the circuit (start/end of the bends).
Station 5b: Progressive endurance run (20-metre penile run)
If the conditions do not allow the progressive endurance run to take place on an outdoor facility, the progressive endurance run is moved indoors (see section 1.2.3 Endurance test). In the hall, 22 m in length (20 m from baseline to baseline plus one metre each for turning) and 1 m in width per participant must be available for the run. The two baselines and the centre line must be clearly marked (cones). The shuttle run is carried out with an acoustic signal. This requires a music system including a CD on which a signal tone can be heard. The music system is set up so that the signal tone can be heard clearly by all participants.
The participants line up next to each other at a distance of one metre between two markers (cones). At the start signal, the participant runs to the opposite baseline. During the progressive endurance run, the participants must reach the next line (baseline or centre line) at each acoustic signal. At the baselines, the participant turns, crossing the line with at least one part of the foot. The participants therefore shuttle back and forth between the baselines. If the participant is travelling too fast, they must wait at the next line until the signal tone. The test ends as soon as the participant can no longer keep up with the set pace and passes the next line too late without being able to catch up. If the participant drops out, they leave the running area and make sure that their running time has been recorded (report to the test leader responsible for the respective sector).
The running time is measured to the nearest second (round the result mathematically).
The progressive endurance run starts at 8.5 km/h. The running speed increases every 200 metres. The running speed increases by 0.5 km/h every 200 metres.
Before the test, the acoustic signal is played to the participants. At the start signal, all test leaders start their stopwatch. During the progressive endurance run, the test leaders check that the participants keep to the pace and always pass the line (baseline or centre line) at the acoustic signal. Participants running ahead are instructed to reduce their running speed until the running rhythm matches the signal tone again or to wait briefly at the line until the signal sounds. The test leaders note the running time of the participants who stop the test between themselves and the next test leader (sector allocation). If a participant does not stop the test independently, even though he/she is obviously no longer able to keep up the pace, the test leader takes him/her out of the run and records the time. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred to an evaluation form and later analysed electronically.
Recommendation for sector allocation: The test leaders distribute themselves evenly over the available area (for 30 participants, for example, 2 sectors of 8 and 7 participants respectively).
All items:
Evaluation form including writing materials or device for electronic data collection.
Medicine ball kick:
Long bench, measuring tape, adhesive tape, 2-3 medicine balls (2 kg, Ø 28 cm), foam/soft tennis ball, scoreboard.
Long jump:
Measuring tape, adhesive tape, 3 small soft mats (7 cm), scoreboard.
One-legged stand:
1 gymnastics tyre (Ø 70cm) per participant, 1-2 stopwatches.
Variant: music system including CD with acoustic signal tone.
Global core strength test:
1 fitness mat per participant (optional), 1 vaulting box centre section incl. RKT per participant, small soft mat for smaller participants, music system including CD with acoustic signal tone.
Anthropometric parameters:
Stadiometer or measuring tape including adhesive tape and flat base, scales including spare batteries, (tailor's) measuring tape.
Circuit run:
1 marker (pig cone for optical signalling system, cone for acoustic signal) per 10 m running distance, distance measuring wheel (if no distance markers are available), optical signalling system or music system including CD with acoustic signal, 1 stopwatch per measuring leader.
20 m shuttle run:
3 markers (cones) per participant, measuring tape, music system including CD with acoustic signal, 1 stopwatch per measuring leader.