Game ribbon ball

Increase pulse
Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Futsal/Fussball), Langbank, Schwedenkasten

Group work

2 teams

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Each team sets up objects on a line (e.g. baseline) through which a ball can be passed by foot (e.g. vaulting box elements or long benches). 2-3 game ribbons are placed on the elements. Each time a team scores a goal, a game ribbon is removed from this object. Elements on which there are no more ribbons are no longer attacked. Which team will be the first to remove all the game ribbons from the goals, or which team will have eliminated more game ribbons after a certain time?


1 football
4 Swedish box parts
2 long benches
x game ribbons
1 stopwatch
6 marking cones
