Lowering and raising the legs in supine position ► leg raise

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Centre of the body
Muscle group
Bauchmuskulatur (gerade)

Partner work

1 trainee & 1 helper ► Note change of position
(= double the time required; for lesson planner see Organisation Kraft: Info button Execution)

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Trainee: Hold the legs of the standing partner in a supine position. Extend the legs vertically upwards and when the partner wants to push the legs towards the floor, hold against them/brake the downward movement so that the legs never touch the floor.
Partner: Hold the trainee's legs in a high position and push them towards the floor.

Always listen to/respond to your partner (adjust pressure/intensity). Keep your back in constant contact with the floor (no hollow back, consciously tense your stomach), do not put your legs down, keep your legs as straight as possible.

Just hold the position (legs stretched out in extension of the upper body), raise and lower your legs without additional impulse from your partner.

Increased impulse from the partner; additional weight for the legs.

The partner pushes the legs not only straight towards the floor but also to the side (direction known to the exerciser or arbitrarily defined by the partner).


2 weight cuffs/ 1 (weighted) ball ► Make the exercise more difficult
