Standing and supine position alternating (right) ► turkish get up

Auxiliary means
Kettlebell, Kurzhantel
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Oberschenkelmuskulatur (vorne), Oberschenkelmuskulatur (hinten), Gesässmuskulatur, Bauchmuskulatur (gerade), Rückenmuskulatur (oben), Armstrecker

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

From the lying position (supine position), you move through various intermediate positions to the upright position, whereby the main focus is on holding the weight (dumbbell or kettlebell) in one hand overhead in a stable position and always working with a stretched back.
As a starting position, the weight is held in a supine position with one arm (right) almost outstretched at chest height (arm facing upwards), the leg (right) on the same side where the weight is held is bent (foot on the floor). Firstly, the shoulders are lifted using the forearm of the arm resting on the floor (left). Then rest the free arm on the hand to lift the whole upper body away from the floor. The hips are then pushed upwards and the outstretched leg (left) is pulled under the body and brought backwards into a kneeling position (half kneeling position with one hand resting on the floor). The arm that is currently still supporting you (left) is then finally lifted off the floor to a half-kneeling position with the upper body upright. A lunge is used to assume the final standing position. Reverse the sequence of movements to return to the starting position lying on the floor.

Starting position:
- Supine position
- Leg bent and positioned on the side of the weight
- Weight held in front of you with one arm almost straight (arm pointing firmly upwards)
- Abdominal and gluteal muscles are tensed
- Gaze is directed towards the weight

Final position:
- Stand upright with a straight back
- Stabilise the weight overhead with an almost outstretched arm

This exercise places extremely high demands on mobility and stability, which is why it is only suitable for advanced exercisers. Distribute the weight over the entire foot during the movement sequence


1 dumbbell/kettlebell
