Stand upright and stand next to a raised object (plyo box or vaulting box element incl. top). From a standing position, bend your legs and place your hands next to your feet to get into a squat position. Support yourself with your hands, jump backwards with both legs to get into the push-up position. Bend your arms to fully lower your upper body (prone position). From the prone position, push back into the push-up position with both arms and jump back into the squat position. From the squat position, powerfully push your legs off the floor to perform a sideways jump onto the raised object (use the momentum of your arms). Without straightening the upper body and stretching the legs (again in the squat position), immediately jump again to the other side of the raised object. After landing (no need to stand upright), restart the exercise sequence from the squat position and then jump back to the starting position.
Land as softly as possible on the box and then immediately jump again.
Lower intensity between each execution; lower height to jump over.
Additional weight; higher object to jump over.
Frontal jumps up and down from the object.