Abduction and adduction of the leg in lateral forearm support (right) ► clamshell

Auxiliary means
Elastisches Gummiband, Mini-Band
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Gesässmuskulatur, Adduktoren, Bauchmuskulatur (seitlich)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Side support on the right forearm, with the lower knee, the lower leg (pointing diagonally backwards) and the outer instep of the foot on the floor. The upper (left) leg is supported on the lower leg. An elasticated band is stretched between the legs (place the band around the thighs slightly above the knees). The free arm can be supported on the hip. From this position, spread the upper (bent) leg apart (stretch/stretch the band further) and simultaneously lift the hip and push forwards. Then lower the pelvis back to the starting position and bring the upper leg back to the lower leg. The free arm can accompany the movement by pointing upwards in the end position, or it can remain supported on the hip.

In the end position, the thigh and upper body practically form a line (push the pelvis forwards).

Select an elastic band with less resistance.

Select an elastic band with greater resistance.


1 mini-band
