Street Racket (Maxifeld): Minifelder

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Street Racket), Schläger (Street Racket)

Group work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two players always cooperate in 2 touching squares (mini fields) of the maxi field (block the centre square so that 4 small playing fields are created in the maxi field). Which team of 2 can play the ball the longest from one square to the other and back again?

to be able to control the ball for a long time in a confined space.


  • Mini league tournament: in each duel, the winner is promoted and the loser is relegated (except in the lowest league, the loser remains in position, as in the top league, the winner remains in place). Play for time or for a certain number of points.
  • Single game: four participants play solo, alternating in 2 squares that touch each other and run with the ball into one square and back into the other with each shot
  • Round as a group game: 3 players rotate in each square (2 directly adjacent squares); who can line up the most valid balls in this way


Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)

Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)

chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
