Street Racket (maxi field): Individual pursuit

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Street Racket), Schläger (Street Racket)

Group work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two participants start in diagonally distant corners of a maxi field (9 identically sized squares). By adhering to the basic rules of street racket (play the ball upwards), both players try to move their ball from square to square (define the centre square as the exclusion zone) in the same direction as quickly as possible and catch up with the other player. In a group of 3-5 players, the winner of a chase stays on the field, the loser joins the waiting participants. After three consecutive victories, the winner also takes a break (receiving a "crown" as a superior point win).

In the event of a mistake (ball must bounce once per square before it is played into the next square), retrieve the ball as quickly as possible and play the same square again

Tactical tip:
Playing the balls lower speeds up the pace, but also makes the task more difficult - the right mix is required


Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)

Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)

chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
