Street Racket (maxi field): Play of colours

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Street Racket), Schläger (Street Racket)

Group work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The outer squares of a maxi field (9 identically sized squares) are marked with 4 colours (define the middle square as a restricted zone). There is one player on each square. The 8 participants try to reproduce a jointly determined colour code by playing the squares in the correct order. (e.g. red-green-red-blue-yellow).


  • 4 players: each participant serves 2 squares
  • Colour code without end: each player names the next colour for the following player when they hit the correct square. The target square is freely selectable at the start and the first colour is named.
  • Use additional colours
  • Use letter or number codes instead of colours


Pro Tn:
1 racket (street racket)

Pro group:
1 ball (street racket)

Chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape (outdoor) - coloured paper (indoor)
