Street Racket (single field): team elimination

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Street Racket), Schläger (Street Racket)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two teams of two play doubles against each other in a single game. A third pair stands ready next to the court and inherits the court of the team that has made a mistake. The pair remaining on the court has the right to play the next rally (winner's ball). Which team wins a certain number of games first (e.g. 10 wins)?

Methodological tips:

  • The waiting team must also always be in active readiness so that they can immediately get back into the action (integrate additional tasks if necessary).

  • With this form of the game, more participants can be kept busy on a single court

Make it more difficult:

  • During the stroke, call the name (or the colour of the T-shirt) of one of the two opponents who has to play the next ball

  • Execute additional movements after the stroke or integrate additional participants into the sequence


Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)

Per group:
1 ball (Street Racket)

chalk, paint, spray, adhesive tape
