Street Racket (kreative Spiel-Settings): boccia

Forms of play / exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Street Racket), Schläger (Street Racket)

Group work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

All participants form a large circle. A target object (e.g. ball or cube) is placed inside the circle. Who can play their ball closest to the target? Who collects the most points after a certain number of strokes (1st place = 3 points, 2nd place = 2 points, 3rd place = 1 point)

Methodological tips:
Differentiation: enlarge or reduce the circle at each round (new starting position)


Per participant:
1 racket (Street Racket)
1 ball (Street Racket)

Per group:
1 target object (e.g. gym ball, softball, cube, etc.)
