Jump from kneeling to standing (kneeling jumps) and jump into the air including rotation (left) ► kneeling jump / kneeing jump

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Lower body
Muscle group
Unterschenkelmuskulatur (hinten), Oberschenkelmuskulatur (vorne), Oberschenkelmuskulatur (hinten), Gesässmuskulatur

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Stand on your knees (possibly with your buttocks sitting on your feet), your arms hanging down at the side of your body and your upper body upright. The buttocks and leg muscles are tensed and the arms are brought back to gain momentum. Then, with an explosive movement, hop onto both feet simultaneously (landing in a squat position), bringing your arms up quickly and pushing your hips forwards. After landing, you immediately jump up with both legs (keeping your contact time with the ground as short as possible), rotating your body 90 degrees to the left side in the air (landing facing the left side, in the starting position you are facing forwards).

The exercise requires a certain amount of explosiveness in the legs and is therefore rather demanding.

Significantly greater support from the arms (momentum).

Additional weight; soft surface.


2 weight cuffs/1 weight vest/fighting backpack ► making the exercise more difficult (additional weight)
1 small soft mat ► making the exercise more difficult (base)
