Addictive substances
The negative effects of addictive substances quickly become apparent in sport. The addictive substances alcohol and tobacco reduce physical performance enormously in some cases, yet they are still widespread among sportspeople. Swiss Olympic's "Cool & Clean" prevention programme aims to inform sports leaders so that they are able to promote the life skills of children and young people, recognise dangerous developments and react correctly. Doping prevention is also part of the programme.
The programme is based on six commitments to which the leaders and young people commit themselves:
I want to achieve my goals! (youth sport)
I want to get to the top! (junior competitive sport)
I behave fairly!
I perform without doping!
I do not use tobacco!
I abstain from alcohol! (U16)
If I drink alcohol, then without harming myself or others! (16+)
"own commitment"
The "Cool & Clean" programme offers a wide range of specialist information on addictive substances (see link collection).
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