Blitzball / Touchrugby
Game idea:
Two teams face each other on a playing field and endeavour to place a rugby ball in the opponent's target area by using their running speed and feinting hooks. The respective ball carrier can be forced by the opposing team to pass the ball backwards to a team-mate, who then tries to get through to the target area.
Scoring a point:
A point is scored when an untouched player is able to place the ball behind the opposite target line in one of the three target areas. The centre target area scores three points, the side areas score 2 points each (indicated by marker cones).
Playing field:
Field size 50 x 34m for 6 players (3 against 3), 70 x 48m (12 players), 100 x 55m (18 players).
Number of participants:
3 against 3 to 9 against 9, depending on field size.
Rules of the game:
The game is opened by a pass from the centre forward between the straddled legs to a teammate.
The ball may be carried forwards by any player, but may only be passed backwards.
The player carrying the ball can be forced to pass the ball by an opponent touching him with his hand on his back. The player in possession of the ball must then pass the ball on the third step or after two seconds at the latest.
Jostling, clutching and pushing are not permitted, nor is hitting the ball.
A free throw is awarded for all infringements of the rules, especially if the attacking team passes the ball forwards. The free throw is always taken from the place where the offence was committed.
Apart from the handshake on the back, Blitzball is played without any form of physical contact.
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