Fireball / kickball

Game idea:
The game idea is similar to that of baseball. Two teams, one kicking and one catching team, try to score as many points as possible within a certain period of time.

Scoring points:
A point is scored when a run is successfully completed. Points may also be awarded for successfully caught balls.

Playing field:
Can be adapted to the available possibilities.

Number of participants:
Suggestion: 10 against 10

Rules of the game:
A player from the kick team plays the ball from the kick zone into the catch zone (throwing or kicking, possibly also hitting). He then runs around the pitch back into the kicking zone. Meanwhile, the catcher tries to catch the ball and bring it to their "nest" as quickly as possible. The ball must be passed from catcher to catcher, as it is not allowed to run with the ball. As soon as the ball is placed in the "nest", a loud whistle sounds from the game leader. A run is successful if the runner is back in the kick zone before the whistle sounds (the ball is in the "nest"). The run markers are neutral points where the runner can interrupt his run and wait for the next kick. If a runner is not at a running mark when the referee blows his whistle, he must return to the kick zone without scoring a point for his team.
If the ball is caught directly out of the air by the catcher's team, the catcher is awarded a point and the runner must return to the kick area.

If a runner is between the run markers when the referee blows his whistle, he is completely eliminated from the game so that the kicking team becomes smaller (provide additional tasks). 

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