Game idea:
Two teams with several outfield players and a goalkeeper each throw the ball into the opponent's goal through skilful attacking. Good defensive behaviour should prevent the opponent from scoring goals.
Scoring a goal:
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line in its entirety.
Handball court (20 x 45m) with goal circle.
Number of participants:
7 against 7 (6 field players plus 1 goalkeeper).
Rules of the game:
The game is opened by a kick-off by one team in the centre of the field. The ball carrier may take a maximum of three steps with the ball in his hands. In order to move, the ball must therefore be bounced or passed to each other. If a player is in possession of the ball, he may catch the ball a maximum of two times. If the ball is picked up after being bounced, it may not be bounced again. The ball may not be held in the hands for longer than 3 seconds and may not touch the body below the knees ("foot rule").
Snatching or knocking away the held ball is prohibited. It is also forbidden to hold the opponent by the body or clothing. Such fouls result in a free throw at the place of the incident. If the foul occurs between the free-throw line and the goal circle, the free throw is taken from the free-throw line. At the time the free throw is taken, no attacking player may be between the free-throw line and the goal circle. If the foul prevents a clear scoring opportunity, a 7m throw is taken (direct goal throw from the 7m line, the front foot must not be moved).
The goal circle may not be entered by the field players. However, jumping into the goal circle is permitted as long as the ball is played/thrown before it touches the ground. The goalkeeper may move freely within the goal circle and prevent shots with all limbs.
If the ball leaves the field of play over the touchlines, the ball is brought back into play by the opposing team with a throw-in (normal pass with the front foot on the line). If the ball crosses the baseline, a throw-in is taken by the goalkeeper (exception: a defender touches the ball before it leaves the pitch over the baseline; in this case, a throw-in is taken by an attacker in the respective corner of the pitch).
After a goal, the right to attack changes. The kick-off is taken in the centre of the field by the team that conceded the goal.
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