
While pure fitness boxing offers physical education classes an attractive opportunity to train fitness in a different setting and to work off energy, light contact boxing opens up a much broader field of skills. In fitness boxing, duels are excluded, but in light contact boxing they are deliberately approached and placed in an educational context: Hard punches are forbidden, the opponent is only touched, assertiveness and consideration are required at the same time. In this way, both the ability to differentiate - due to the targeted use of force - and consideration for the opponent are trained and encouraged.

Enthusiastic athletes use the sweat-inducing full-body workout to improve their fitness and coordination of arms and legs in a varied way, and possibly also to reduce frustration or boost their self-confidence. The experience gained in the classroom can be used to address your own behaviour in stressful situations. The risk of injury and the danger of riots are minimised if the lessons are conducted in a serious manner. Excessively hard blows rarely occur and if they do, it is usually due to a lack of coordination or concentration. Not taking offence at this and not retaliating in kind is an ideal exercise in emotional control.

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