Arm wrestling

Fighting and roughhousing games
Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht, Weichmatte (klein)
Body part
Upper body
Muscle group
Armbeuger, Unterarmmuskulatur

Partner work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two participants lie on their stomachs facing each other and hold hands with their elbows supported on the mat/floor. The free arm is supported on the forearm under the chest. The participants try to press the back of their opponent's hand onto the mat/floor. The first person to touch the mat/floor with the back of their hand loses. Change sides after each or several rounds.


2 soft mats (small) ►indoor version

2 tent sheets ►outdoor version

Indoor post set-up:
Connect the soft mats to each other on the narrow side using Velcro (exercise can also be carried out without mats)
