Dribble artist

Coordination exercises
Auxiliary means
Ball (Basketball), Langbank, Weichmatte (klein)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The participant runs across the narrow side of two long benches set up one behind the other and bounces a basketball. In the centre of the two long benches, the side on which the basketball is bounced is changed. Alternatively, or to make the exercise more difficult, two basketballs can be bounced at the same time.

Small mats on the floor can make the exercise more difficult, as the side of the bounce must be changed (only possible with one basketball bouncing).

►Balance ability, differentiation ability


2 long benches
2 soft mats (small)
1-2 basketballs

Post set-up:
Place two long benches one behind the other with the narrow side facing up. Place a small soft mat next to each bench (on opposite sides).
