Passive stretching: back muscles / shoulder muscles

Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Basketball), Ball (Blitzball/Rugby/Football), Ball (Faustball), Ball (FooBaSKILL), Ball (Futsal/Fussball), Ball (Handball), Ball (Schaumstoff-/Softball), Ball (Volleyball), Elastisches Gummiband, Gymnastikstab mit Gummizug, Kraftschlauch, Schläger (Badminton), Schläger (Smolball), Schläger (Speedminton), Spielbändel, Springseil, Stock (Intercross/Lacrosse), Stock (Nordic Walking), Stock (Unihockey), Wurfscheibe (Frisbee)
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Rückenmuskulatur (oben), Rückenmuskulatur (unten), Schultermuskulatur

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Kneeling, tilt your upper body forwards and stretch your arms shoulder-width apart in extension of your body towards the floor so that the aid, which is held in both hands, rests on the floor. Press your upper body down towards the floor/press your outstretched arms onto the aid. Continue to breathe normally/quietly during the exercise.


Per Tn:
1 ball ►baseball, blitzball/rugby/football, fistball, futsal/football, handball, FooBaSKILL, volleyball
1 stick ► floorball, intercrosse/lacrosse, Nordic walking
1 racket ►badminton/speedminton, smolball
1 throwing disc (frisbee) ►frisbee ultimate
1 elasticated rubber band/power tube/skipping rope/playing rope
1 gymnastics stick with elastic band
