Jump to the slope I

Auxiliary means
Springseil, Sprossenwand, Weichmatte (klein)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

A straight run-up to the wall bars, frontal jump from a freely selectable distance, to cushion the impact, the feet first hit the soft mat attached to the wall, then immediately hold on to the wall bars with the hands.

outdoor I:
The participant takes a running start and jumps off in front of the wall, holds on to the wall and tries to overcome it.

Simplify: Just hold on to the wall and then let go again and land safely.

outdoor II:
The participant takes a running start, jumps off and holds on to the wall. The participant then tries to move along the wall in the hanging position. The knees are in front of the chest and the arms are outstretched. In order to move sideways, the front hand and the front leg must be moved simultaneously in the direction of movement.


1 wall bars ►indoor version
2 soft mats (small) ►indoor version
2 skipping ropes ►indoor version

Indoor post set-up:
Tie a set-up soft mat to the wall bars with skipping ropes, place a second soft mat on the floor in front of it.
