Autogenic training: heaviness exercise

Auxiliary means
Weichmatte (klein)
Body part
Whole body

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Autogenic training: The external stimulus (i.e. the formulations) triggers an internal process. This can happen through external or self-suggestions. Don't want anything - don't expect anything - don't do anything, just feel into yourself and let it happen.

How to do it: To get in the mood, take a sitting or lying position in a quiet place, breathe in and out calmly and close your eyes slowly. The trainer or each participant then says the following phrases in their mind:

  • "I am completely calm." (3-6x)
  • "My right arm is very heavy." (3-6x)
  • "I am very calm." (3-6x)
  • "My left arm is very heavy." (3-6x)
  • "I am very calm." (3-6x)
  • "Both legs are very heavy." (3-6x)

To take it back, count slowly from 4 to 0 and open your eyes.


Per day:
1 soft mat
