Info: Light contact
Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description
The technical elements are demonstrated practically by the instructor.
Ideally, the participants follow the movements immediately (demonstration - imitation).
- Light contact boxing is a variant of boxing in which no strong punches are allowed and the opponent may only be touched.
- Basic rules:
- Handshake: before and after duels, apology after a blow that is too hard, expression of respect towards the opponent.
- Commands: "Box" (release the ring); "Stop/Break" (interruption of the fight).
- Boxing position:
- Position of the legs: Feet shoulder-width apart; body weight distributed on both balls of the feet; foot slightly set back on the side of the stronger hand; heel of front foot = toe of back foot.
- Position of the upper body: punching hand at the side of the cheek; leading hand at eye level approx. 10-20cm in front of the head; back of the hand pointing outwards; shoulder girdle slightly raised and brought forwards ("tighten rucksack").
- Continued movement:
- Sliding in stride: Push off with the foot standing behind in the direction of movement; offset front foot 10-15cm; movement dynamically gliding over the ground; flat jumps possible.
- Diagonal gait: Simultaneous strike and step leads to twisting of the hips (e.g. Step with left leg forwards & punch with right fist; step with right leg backwards & punch with right fist)
- Passing gait: no twisting with simultaneous step and punch (e.g. step with left leg forwards & punch with left fist; step with left leg backwards & punch with right fist)
- Punches:
- Straight: Straight punch on the most direct path to the target; push-off of the balls of the feet on the same side - hip rotation - extension of the arm; target: chin, nose, forehead; bring the opposite hand back to the cheek (cover)
- Sideways punch: push-off of the balls of the feet on the same side - hip rotation - rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body - punch in a circle from the outside to the inside; forearm in a horizontal position; 90° angle in the elbow and shoulder joint; opposite hand is at the side of the cheek.
- Upward punch: Slightly lower the upper body and fist (preparation); stretch the legs, hips and torso and bring the forearm up vertically in front of the body; fist hits the chin from below.
- Defence:
- Head cover (inside hand block): Turn the palm of the punching hand towards the opponent; bring the fist slightly forwards and catch the opponent's straight; arm spring-loaded.
- Elbow block: Turn the body out around the longitudinal axis; bring the elbow towards the body (arm covers the body); body remains upright; fists remain at head height.
- Lateral avoidance: Bend body forwards at an angle; shift body weight to the respective side; head remains behind the fists; duck to the outside of the opponent's arm.
- Rolling avoidance: Avoidance movement for sideways chopping; lower the upper body sideways, pass under the opponent's punching arm and raise it again on the other side; the nose draws a circle in the air.
1 poster with key points on the subject of light contact