Passive stretching: thigh muscles (back)

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Lower body
Muscle group
Oberschenkelmuskulatur (hinten)

Partner work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Crouching position with one leg bent (standing on the tip of the foot and buttocks at the heel) and one leg stretched out to the side (heel placed on the floor, tip of the foot pointing upwards). With the bent leg, the foot and knee point forwards. The arm on the side of the extended leg is stretched out towards the partner so that the two participants in the same position can reach out their hands to each other. Alternately, the upper body of the other participant is pulled towards their outstretched leg (pushing the pelvis to the side). You can support yourself on the floor with your other free hand to keep your balance. Then switch sides.


No material required
