Game idea:
Two teams with several field players and a goalkeeper play the ball with the intercrosse stick by skilfully attacking the opponent's goal. The aim is to prevent the opponent from scoring goals by playing good defence.
A goal is scored when the ball crosses the goal line completely.
Playing field:
45 m wide and 102 m long. The (floorball) goals are located 14m in front of the end of the pitch.
Number of participants:
10 against 10 (9 outfield players plus 1 goalkeeper), indoors 6 against 6.
Rules of the game:
After the referee's whistle, two players in the centre try to play out the ball between them, capture it or pass it to one of their teammates. The attacker/defender positions change as soon as the defending team has won the ball. Physical contact and knocking the ball away are permitted throughout the game.
Fouls: Personal fouls are pushing using the stick as resistance, blows with the stick that hit the body or head, unnecessary roughness. The penalty time for a personal foul is one to three minutes. Technical fouls include offside, pushing from behind, holding and the active use of the free arm of a player carrying the ball. Penalties for technical fouls are cancelled by a goal.
For safety reasons, however, the same rules as for intercrosse are also used outdoors in sports lessons, i.e. no physical contact is made.