Driving game

Interval training

Single run or run in strength groups

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

When cycling, there is a constant alternation of fast and slow passages, with the right balance between exertion and recovery for successful training. In other words, a hard tempo workout must always be followed by a calm running section. The faster and longer a section was, the longer the trot break should be. In the driving game, it is up to the runners/running groups to decide when to run at what pace and for how long. This can be short sprints of 50-100 metres, fast sections of 30 seconds to 3 minutes or brisk passages of over 3 minutes. The pace can be varied according to your mood. In practice, the runners/groups orientate themselves, for example, to the next road junction, a sign, the next lamppost, an oncoming passer-by, the edge of a forest, etc. and simply accelerate as long as they can maintain their speed. The possibilities are accordingly unlimited, which makes the driving game a varied and carefree training method.


No material required
