Rotation of the upper body while standing (left) ► standing upper body rotation

Auxiliary means
Balance-Kissen, Barren, Elastisches Gummiband, Sprossenwand
Body part
Centre of the body
Muscle group
Bauchmuskulatur (seitlich)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Rubber band at stomach/hip or shin height attached to the wall bars/ parallel bars (or e.g. to a tree) attached to the wall bars/bars (or a tree, for example), stand hip-width apart on a balance cushion at the side (90 degree angle) to the wall bars/tree, arms stretched out towards the wall bars/tree, grasp the elastic band with both hands, move the stretched arms diagonally upwards to shoulder height to the other (right) side of the body and back to the starting position, keeping the hands closed and the movement taking place exclusively in the upper body.

The arms are guided to the other side by the torso rotation (the arms remain stable).

Select a rubber band with less resistance; stand on the floor instead of on the balance cushions.

Select a rubber band with greater resistance.


1 elasticated rubber band
1 wall bars/bars/tree
2 balance cushions
