Rotate the upper body and move the lower leg forwards in side plank (right) ► side plank crunch

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Adduktoren, Bauchmuskulatur (gerade), Bauchmuskulatur (seitlich)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Side support with outstretched (right) arm, the other arm bent and the hand placed next to the nearer ear, the body weight is supported only by the foot of the upper leg (left) and the arm (right), the other leg (right) is held slightly raised in front of the foot placed on the floor. Tighten the lower leg (right) and at the same time rotate/turn the upper body so that the elbows and knees are brought together crosswise. Then return to the starting position (straighten the leg again, rotate/untwist the upper body back).

Head, torso, hips and knees practically form a line in the starting position (pelvis does not tilt backwards or forwards), keep the shoulder above the elbow; do not fully lower the free leg.

Lower the free leg (without bringing the elbow and knee together); lower the free leg after each movement; only hold the starting position.

Additional weight (for the free leg).

Lower foot placed on the floor with the outside instep and the upper leg brought to the elbow (free leg).


1 weight cuff/weight waistcoat ► Make the exercise more difficult (additional weight)
