Squat one-legged with swing from supine position alternating ► candlestick roll to pistol

Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht
Body part
Lower body
Muscle group
Oberschenkelmuskulatur (vorne), Gesässmuskulatur

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

From the shoulder-width stance, move into a squat position (arms pointing diagonally downwards in front) and then drop into a supine position. The outstretched arms are extended overhead (along the floor) and the bent legs are stretched out so that they are pointing towards the sky (upwards). The arms are then brought in front of the body again in a flowing movement so that the momentum can be utilised to return to the standing position. When standing up, however, only one leg is bent and placed on the floor; the other leg remains practically straight and lifted off the floor. Finally, the standing leg is also extended from the deep one-legged high position to reach the standing position. During the low squat position, the leg lifted off the floor points horizontally forwards (low one-legged squat position) and in the subsequent upright stance points diagonally downwards forwards before the leg is brought back to the training leg in the starting position in the shoulder-width stance on both legs. For the next exercise, change the standing or free leg.

Knee of the training leg should remain as centred as possible over the foot.

Arms support the movement more clearly (more momentum); the extended free leg is brought to the ground with the heel to support the standing up movement.

Use less momentum (hardly any support from the arms).


No material required
