Set the cable pulley at shoulder height, stand slightly more than shoulder-width apart to the side (90 degree angle) of the cable pulley (left leg closer to the device), grasp the cable pulley with both hands approximately shoulder-width apart at chest height with arms almost stretched out or hold a handle with both hands, rotate the upper body to the side (look to the side - away from the cable pulley), keeping the position of the upper body/arms stable. Then return the upper body to the starting position in a controlled manner.
Starting position:
- Stand upright at the side of the machine, legs slightly wider than shoulder width.
- Grasp the cable pulley with both hands at chest height in front of the body (arms shoulder width, almost stretched) or hold a handle with both hands.
Final position:
- Upper body rotated to the side (looking away from the cable pulley).
- Basic position of the arms/legs unchanged.
The arms are guided to the other side by the torso rotation (the arms remain stable).