Rotation of the upper body while standing sideways to the wall (right) ► standing upper body rotation

Auxiliary means
Body part
Whole body
Muscle group
Bauchmuskulatur (seitlich), Schultermuskulatur

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Stand upright in front of a wall (facing the wall horizontally, right shoulder closer to the wall), with arms bent (approximately 90 degrees at the elbow joint), hold a medicine ball in front of the body with both hands slightly below chest height. The upper body is turned/rotated to the side towards the wall in a swinging motion (gaze accompanies the movement) until the arms are facing the wall and the ball is thrown against the wall at the same time. During the rotation movement, the legs and arms remain stable (lift the heel of the foot furthest from the wall at most). Catch the ball and bring your upper body back to the starting position.

Tighten your stomach, keep your back straight, your pelvis remains in place and only your upper body moves.

Smaller range of motion by pointing the stance more towards the wall (less rotation); lighter ball.

Additional weight (on the arms); heavier ball; unstable base.


1 wall
1 medicine ball

1 volleyball or football ► make the exercise easier
2 weight cuffs ► make the exercise more difficult (additional weight)
1-2 balance cushions/1 balance board ► make the exercise more difficult (unstable surface)
