Basic position (boxing position)

Auxiliary means

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The participants practise adopting the basic stance:
The boxing stance is the starting and finishing position for all attack and defence techniques. From a shoulder-width stance, one foot is moved slightly forwards and the knees are bent slightly. The foot that is on the opposite side to the stronger hand is moved forwards (e.g. right-handers have the left leg in front). As an exercise, the participants can stand on a line to place one foot forwards from there. The correct distance between the feet is achieved when the heel of the front foot is just in front of the line (the back foot remains in place - toe on the line). At the same time as stepping forwards, the hanging arms are bent, the hands are clenched into fists and raised to head height. The strong hand (on the side of the back leg) is practically on the cheek, the weaker hand (on the side of the front leg) is held slightly in front of the head at approximately eye level. The weaker side corresponds to the lead hand (jab) and the stronger to the punching hand (straight).

To assume the basic stance, you can also simply take two steps forwards from a shoulder-width stance and then stop and assume the basic stance. It is only important that the first step is taken on the side where the stronger hand is located.

From the shoulder-width stance with hanging arms, assume the basic position several times. Small shifts are incorporated in between.


No material required
