Jumping relay

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Langbank, Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht

Group work

5-7 participants per group

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

All participants in a group hop together in a chain to a defined point (e.g. around a turnaround, to the hall wall or over a certain line) and back. The person in front holds the left knee of the person behind (or the right knee in the second round). In another form, the person behind holds the left or right foot of the person in front. The two forms can also be combined (different outward and return routes).

The group transports a long bench between their legs.


Per group:
2 colouring sticks/marking cones/cones ►start and reversal mark (optional)

Per group:
1 long bench ►Variant
