Distance fitting

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (Basketball), Ball (FooBaSKILL), Ball (Handball), Ball (Intercross/Lacrosse), Ball (Smolball), Schläger (Smolball), Stock (Intercross/Lacrosse), Wurfscheibe (Frisbee)

Partner work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The binomial lines up on a line. Using passes, the pair must reach a defined target zone. One participant in the group moves away in the direction of the target. They decide for themselves how far they want to distance themselves from their partner. At the new position, they must be able to catch/receive the Frisbee/ball thrown/passed by their partner. If this is successful, the thrower may now approach the target and at the same time becomes the new pass receiver. If the pass attempt is unsuccessful, the frisbee/ball must be returned to the thrower by the catcher so that the thrower can start a new pass attempt (possibly at a shorter distance).

Multiple groups of 2 compete against each other. The winning binomial is the one that is the first to return to the starting line after the start command from the sports director in compliance with the rules described above.


Per participant:
1 bat/stick ►intercross/lacrosse, smolball

Per group of 2:
1 throwing disc (frisbee)/ball ►frisbee ultimate, basketball, FooBaSKILL, handball, intercross/lacrosse, smolball

4 marking cones/caps ►start and finish line
