Tricky turns

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means
Wurfscheibe (Frisbee)

Individual work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Each participant practises various movement tasks with the frisbee:

  • Fingerspin: The aim is to make the disc spin vertically or horizontally around the index finger (middle finger). In the starting position, the disc is held vertically with the index finger at the edge. Now the disc is spun from the wrist (spin). The index finger always remains stretched on the edge of the disc.
    Switch fingers while spinning, spin a disc with both hands simultaneously or throw the disc up from the spin, catch it with one finger and continue spinning.
  • Thumb flip: This trick involves spinning the disc once around its longitudinal axis around the thumb. Starting position: hold the disc in your hand with the underside facing up. The thumb is on top, the remaining four fingers are under the disc. The disc is rotated around the resting thumb to the left and stopped again. The rotation of the disc is triggered by a slight twist of the wrist. At this moment, the fingers are released from the underside of the disc. Once the disc has rotated once around the hand, it is stopped again with the thumb at the top and four fingers at the bottom.
    Turn the disc to the right, turn it once to the left and then to the right or perform two double thumb flips without stopping.
  • Chest roll: Hold your arms horizontally outwards. Hold the disc in one hand with the underside facing upwards. With a light kick from the wrist, the disc is rolled over the arm, chest and other arm to the opposite hand.
  • Blind catch: Throw the disc up with a spin and catch it behind the back with one or both hands.


Per participant:
1 throwing disc (frisbee)

1 additional throwing disc (frisbee) per participant ►Variant
