Organisational form

Exercise sequence

In the exercise sequence, all participants carry out the specified exercise together before the next exercise is completed. One leader takes responsibility. He or she demonstrates the exercises, helps with the execution and/or controls the participants and has the duration of the exercise under control. Pictures and descriptions can help the participants to perform the exercise.

Organisational form

Note: In general, exercises that do not require any equipment (e.g. working with your own body weight) should be favoured. If equipment is used (e.g. balance board), it is important to ensure that each participant can be equipped accordingly if all participants complete the same exercise at the same time. If equipment is used, it is advisable to always use the same equipment, as changing equipment can lead to unnecessary loss of time.


In circuit training, the participants are allocated to various stations/posts and work on an exercise for a defined period of time. The various stations/posts differ from one another. All participants rotate simultaneously in the same direction clockwise/counter-clockwise to the next station, where they resume work simultaneously after a certain recovery time (break). A leader monitors the participants' performance of the exercise and directs the change of stations/posts. Pictures including a description of the exercises can support the participants in carrying out the exercises.

Organisational form

Independent practising / fighting

The participants divide themselves between the available stations/posts in order to work on their deficits/improve themselves or complete the duels for a specified period of time. The participants change stations/posts independently. At the end of a duel, the participants look for a new opponent. In addition to the new partner, the station should also be changed whenever possible. A leader keeps an overview, controls and corrects the participants where necessary and is available with tips and tricks/advice and assistance. Pictures including a description can help the participants to carry out the exercise.

Organisational form


Various obstacles are placed in the space provided. The participants complete a staggered parkour over the obstacles (after completing a run). The participants move freely around the room, which means that they can choose the number of obstacles and their sequence independently. The leader ensures that all participants complete at least one run in the time available.

Organisational form

Note: when planning the lesson, it is essential to select the parkour as an exercise.