The participants move freely in the terrain, with the sports leader specifying various forms of movement. Possible forms of movement are:
- Diagonal stride (possibly with double pole use)
- Hop run
- Arms held high or in front
- Forwards movement in the lowest possible position (knees bent/deep gait)
On a signal from the sports leader (e.g. 1-4 whistles), the participants perform various defined exercises. Here is a possible selection of exercises that can be assigned to the signals:
- Place sticks on the floor. Jump over the stick 5 times with both legs.
- The participants try to balance a stick on different parts of the body for a few seconds (e.g. foot, palm, back of the hand, head, nose, elbow, fingers, etc.)
- The participants place the sticks on the floor and try to balance on them for a few seconds (variation: keep their balance on a stick)