Frisbee-OL is a fun form of endurance training, as running is combined with Frisbee target throws and running to various posts.
The Frisbee is thrown at numbered tyres (Velopneus). If the tyre (Velopneu) is hit (contact is sufficient), the corresponding control can be approached and stamped on the run card. So that not all participants start with the same target or run to the same control, the first target can be marked on the run card, which must be hit first. After that, the targets can be chosen freely. One throw is available for the shorter distances up to the centre line, and two throws from the centre line onwards. If the attempts are unsuccessful, a penalty lap must be run around the marked field before the targets can be thrown at again. The Frisbee must be returned to the baseline before the control or the penalty lap is tackled. Each participant who moves within the marked field must ensure that they are not hit by a frisbee. Who will be the first to reach all the posts or the most posts in a certain time?
There are various ways to distribute the posts:
- The posts are distributed within sight of the throwing field so that the participants can easily reach them (e.g. place numbered F-discs with a clamp on a grass field).
- If the controls are out of sight of the throwing field, the participants are given a map/sketch of the controls (can be integrated on the map) in addition to a running map, which they can use to run to the controls.
- A poster with the controls marked on it is attached to the throwing field. The participants memorise the route to the respective post (memory run).