Reaction trapping

Increase pulse
Auxiliary means
Ohne Hilfsmittel / klassisch / eigenes Körpergewicht

Partner work

Groups of 2

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Two participants stand, lie, sit or kneel opposite each other. A game is played together. As soon as the result is clear, the loser sprints away from their partner to a defined line. The winner tries to catch their partner before they reach the finish line.

Possible game variations:

  • Scissors, rock, paper: scissors beats paper, rock beats scissors, paper beats rock.
  • Even, odd: the participants on one side get the even numbers, while the other side gets the odd numbers.

Variant I:
The game leader raises a certain number of fingers, if this number is even, the participant with the even numbers becomes the catcher (reversed roles for odd numbers).

Variant II:
Both participants show a number of fingers on an agreed signal. If the sum of the fingers raised is even, the participant with the even numbers becomes the catcher (reversed roles if the sum is odd).

Variant III:
The sports leader sets a maths task, depending on the result (even or odd), the corresponding participant becomes the catcher.


No material required
