Condition and coordination test (KKT)

Auxiliary means
Ball, Ball (FooBaSKILL), Ball (Futsal/Fussball), Ball (Volleyball), Barren, Kraftschlauch, Langbank, Malstab, Schwedenkasten, Springseil, Weichmatte (klein)

Time ratios (25 min.) correspond to a group size of approx. 30 participants.
Of course, each participant is tested individually.

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

The fitness and coordination test (KKT) is used to test fitness and coordination skills. This test checks whether the participant is able to perform polysportive movements within the specifications under load.

Execution regulations


The KKT must always be carried out indoors and cannot be moved outside. At the KKT, all posts are precisely prescribed and are located at a clearly defined location. A volleyball court should be marked out in the hall, as the posts are distributed according to certain measurement specifications starting from this
court. The controls are located both inside and outside the volleyball court. Securing the elements to minimise the risk of injury is the responsibility of the test leader and has the highest priority.

Post description:

  1. Low jump: The long bench is attached to the bar rail facing the participant. The wide long bench side points upwards. The (inclined) long bench must be secured to the parallel bars with ropes. The height of the parallel bars from the floor is 1.10 metres. A small soft mat is placed behind the parallel bars to cushion the participant's low jump.
  2. Balancing: The narrow side of the long bench points upwards.
  3. Ball catching: A volleyball is passed from a distance of 3 metres. A participant who was not used in the test acts as the passer.
  4. Slalom 1: Seven painting sticks serve as slalom poles.
  5. Slalom 2: Eight painting sticks serve as slalom poles.
  6. Forward roll: The forward roll is performed on a small soft mat.
  7. Skipping/crawling under: A vaulting box top section and three centre sections are used for jumping over/crawling under. The first element to be used is the top section. The three centre sections are placed between four small soft mats and distributed evenly (fix the mats in place with adhesive tape). The foremost mat lies flush with the top section.
  8. Walking backwards: Walking backwards begins after going round a painting stick.
  9. Rolling backwards: The roll backwards is performed on a small soft mat.
  10. Supporting on the parallel bars: The bar height from the floor is 1.20 metres. When getting in and out, a power hose/rope is fixed at a height of 70 cm. A long bench is required for the "penalty post".

Two lanes are installed at almost all posts so that overtaking is possible. Two long benches are therefore provided for the low jump and balancing (controls 1 and 2), two small soft mats are placed for the forward and backward roll (controls 6 and 9), two colouring sticks are set up for running backwards (control 8) and two Swedish boxes are required for jumping over/crawling under (control 7). There is enough space available for the slalom so that the participants can overtake each other. Two lanes can also be set up for the support (item 10), but there are usually not enough (more than two parallel bars) available in the sports halls.


Low jump: The participant runs up the sloping long bench and jumps over the bars of the parallel bars onto the small soft mat placed behind them.

Balancing: The participant balances over the narrow side of the long bench. If the participant falls down, the element must be repeated.

Ball catching: The participant catches the volleyball pass from the passer. A ball that is not caught is retrieved by the participant (no new pass).

Slalom 1: The participant bounces the volleyball around the marker poles. In the event of a dribbling error, the participant threads the ball back into the slalom where the error occurred. The volleyball is placed on the floor between the last marker stick of slalom 1 and the first marker stick of slalom 2.

Slalom 2: The participant guides the volleyball around the marker sticks with their foot. In the event of a dribbling error, the participant threads the slalom back to where the error occurred. Before the last pole (between the 7th and 8th pole), the ball is picked up by hand and placed back in the ball trolley (container) of the passer.

Forward roll: The participant performs a forward roll on the small soft mat.

Skipping/crawling under: The participant crawls under the first and third centre sections of the vaulting box. The second centre section and the top section of the vaulting box are jumped over.

Running backwards: The participant circles around the painting stick once. The participant then runs backwards to the next position.

Roll backwards: The participant performs a roll backwards on the small soft mat.

Support on the parallel bars: The participant supports or swings from one side of the parallel bars to the other. The floor of the parallel bars between the entry and exit must not be touched. If the participant touches the floor between the two power tubes/ropes that define the entry and exit, the element must be repeated. If a participant is unable to support/swing from one side of the bar to the other several times (3 attempts), a "penalty position" must be completed. This involves performing a tricep press on the long bench 4 times - heel stand, legs stretched, upper body supported on the long bench (arms behind the back), hands pointing towards the body, arms bent and stretched (upper body raised and lowered). The triceps exercise can be performed directly on each subsequent round. This alternative is an exceptional variant and is only used if the participant is obviously unable to pass the element (no option/choice of participant - determined by the test leader).




Time: The participant has 12 minutes to collect as many points as possible.
Points: Each completed item scores one point (1 round = 10 points).


The test leader explains all the execution rules to the participants beforehand and demonstrates the items if necessary (however, all participants should be familiar with the test from training). During the KKT, the test leader remains at the start. The test leader sends the participants onto the course in stages and starts the stopwatch from the first participant. It is important to ensure that there are never more than a maximum of 10 participants on the course. To do this, the test leader can either form groups of max. 10 participants or send the next participant onto the course from the twelfth minute as soon as the first participant has finished the test. The test leader makes a note of the start number and start time for each participant. Start intervals of 10, 20 or 30 seconds make sense. During the KKT, the test leader keeps track of whether the participants are passing through the controls correctly. As soon as the 12 minutes have elapsed for a participant (note the start intervals), the test leader stops them and records where they are, as each completed control adds up to one point. If the start intervals are very short, the participants can wait next to the control point at the end of the KKT without hindering the other participants until all participants have completed the test. The test leader therefore has more time to stop the participants according to the start intervals and can award the points for the last round at the end. The result is recorded directly electronically or transferred later from an evaluation sheet to an electronic device.


Evaluation forms and electronic evaluation programmes are available for all sports tests:
-> Downloads -> Sports tests -> Evaluation -> KKT


21 colouring sticks, 5 long benches, 2 parallel bars, 10 small soft mats, 2 power hoses/ropes, additional ropes to secure the long benches at control 1, 2 Swedish boxes, 1 measuring tape, 1-2 stopwatches, KKT control sheet including writing materials, possibly a device for electronic data collection.
