Play with howler
Play idea:
The team in possession of the howler attempts to move the ball in the direction of the targeted end zone. The opposing team tries to prevent this movement and force possession of the howler by means of a "turnover" (see rules of the game). The howler may only be moved by throws from one player to the other.
Scoring points:
The aim is to catch the howler in the opposite end zone following a pass from a team-mate and thus score a point.
Playing field:
Rectangular field with an end zone at each end. 64mx37m with 18m outdoor end zone, 40mx25m with 15m indoor end zone.
The pitch is bounded by cones. The connections between them form the side or out lines.
Number of ends:
7 against 7 outdoor, 5 against 5 indoor
Game rules:
At the start of the game and after each point, the teams line up on their end zone line. The team that starts or has just scored throws a high, long pass towards the opponent's end zone (throw-off). As soon as the howler is released, all participants may move freely on the field.
The howler may be thrown in any direction. The player with the howler in his hands may neither walk nor run, only star steps are allowed. However, if the toy is caught during the race, the movement may be slowed down by the required number of steps. The howler may not be handed over, but must move from A to B through the air. If the attackers are unable to catch the howler (the howler touches the ground, flies out of bounds or the opponent intercepts it or knocks it to the ground), the defending team gains possession of the howler and attacks. This is referred to as a "turnover". There is no interruption to the game.
The defender covering the thrower must keep at least an arm's length away. Only one player may cover the thrower at a time; the next defender must be at least three metres away. The attacker must play the howler after a maximum of 10 seconds. To signal this, the defender counts the seconds out loud.
Body contact or tackling is not permitted. Each player is responsible for signalling an infringement of the rules. There is no referee. Fair play is therefore very important. If an attacker and a defender catch the howler at the same time, it belongs to the attacker.
Optional: After a successful point is scored, the teams switch sides. The team that scored the point then starts again with a throw-off towards the opposing team.