Light-Contact: Sensitisation level 4-6

Stimulate circulation
Auxiliary means

Partner work

Duration (mm:ss)
Topic description

Stage 4:
Two punches are connected fluently: From a standing position, competitor B attempts to connect two punches fluently and touch his opponent with both. After the series of punches, competitor A counters by taking one or two steps.

Stage 5:
Multiple punches to a moving target: Competitor A keeps his hands in the basic position and moves slowly and constantly in all directions, but does not actively defend. Participant B tries to touch his opponent as often as possible in succession and connect several punches. From time to time (e.g. after approx. 8 hits), participant A counters to check whether participant B is covered. After some time, the roles are switched.

Stage 6:
Adjust the distance to a fast-moving target and control the (punch) hardness: Participant A is constantly on the move and tries to dodge the punches from participant B using footwork. The defender gives feedback if the punch was too strong. After some time, the roles are switched.


1 pair of boxing gloves
